const logger = require('../../lib/logger');
const IHLCommand = require('../../lib/ihlCommand');
const IHLManager = require('../../lib/ihlManager');
* @class InviteUrlCommand
* @category Commands
* @extends IHLCommand
* @memberof module:ihlCommand
module.exports = class InviteUrlCommand extends IHLCommand {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'invite-url',
aliases: ['invite-link', 'bot-invite', 'invite-bot'],
group: 'owner',
memberName: 'invite-url',
description: 'Get the discord invite link to add the bot to your server.',
}, {
clientOwner: true,
inhouseAdmin: false,
inhouseState: false,
lobbyState: false,
inhouseUser: false,
async onMsg({ msg }) {
return msg.say(IHLManager.IHLManager.inviteUrl);